25.04.2024 News

LEONI Serbia support for the GIRLS IN ICT campaign

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About 60 eighth-grade girls from three primary schools visited the LEONI Serbia factories in Prokuplje, Niš and Kraljevo as part of the international campaign "Day of Girls in the Information and Communication Technologies Sector".

In the world, the last Thursday in April is traditionally marked as "ICT Girls' Day" and in Serbia this campaign has grown into the entire month of April dedicated to empowering girls for education in STEM fields - science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

The LEONI plant in Nish was visited by schoolgirls from the nearby village of Gabrovac, then the plant in Prokuplje by students from an elementary school in the small municipality of Zitoradja, and we provided bus transportation for them, and the plant in Kraljevo was visited by schoolgirls from a nearby school.

In all the factories, the girls had the opportunity to meet a large number of women in the LEONI company who, through examples from their lives and careers, encouraged them to study and work hard.

The girls were able to hear that they should not give up on their dreams, but also that a lot of work has to be done to make dreams come true, because nothing will fall from the sky; then what it's like to lead teams in the auto industry, which is stereotypically associated with men; how, thanks to knowledge and respect for co-workers, a young woman as a manager gains their trust and builds authority; how one should be open to all the opportunities that life offers, because many female colleagues finished high school and university dreaming of one job, and today they are happy to do something different... and many more instructive, inspiring and encouraging professional experiences.

The company LEONI Serbia is the right place to encourage girls and overcome gender stereotypes in the choice of profession: about 65% of the company's employees are women, many of them are in management positions, up to the top management in the company. The example of our factory in Kraljevo is particularly interesting, where women make up 75% of employees and hold 51% of leadership positions.

For the girls, it was an exciting tour of the factory in Kraljevo, where they were fascinated by the large number of employees, huge space and countless machines, and our colleagues in production were pleasantly surprised by the arrival of such young guests.

The company LEONI Serbia supports girls to be guided by their interests and to think about careers without gender stereotypes.

Press Contact

Bojana Stamenković

Lead Specialist Communications Serbia

Radmila Vesković

Expert Communications Serbia

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